marți, 29 decembrie 2009

Freedom !

"Since light travels faster than sound , some people may appear bright until you hear them speak."
Love is my muse.
Time is my friend.
I am life.
Join me and you'll be free.

vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Merry Christmas ! :D

:D Mi-am facut putin timp si pentru blog , astazi suntem in ajunul craciunului, o zi frumoasa si calda, mai un cozonac,mai un nea prajiturica, mai un lapte, mai o sarma, dastea de sarbatori.
Lumea isi face bradul..unii l-au facut cu cateva zile inainte , astazi o sa il fac si eu :D
Vreau sa urez tuturor sarbatori fericite si un an nou plin de bucurii , sanatate dragoste si liniste in suflet.
Maine se face un an.. Maine fac 19 ani.
Un an plin cu bune si cu rele . Un an din fericire mai mult frumos decat urat.
Vreau sa le multumesc tuturor persoanelor calde care ma inconjoara..persoanele cu adevarat importante in viata mea. Vreau sa le multumesc pentru fiecare clipa in care au fost alaturi de mine neconditionat si au impartasit cu mine toate lucrurile frumoase si urate.
Le multumesc pentru ca m-au sprijinit atunci cand lumea mi se parea mai neagra si pentru ca au fost sinceri,buni si intelegatori cu mine(stiu ca sunt incapatanat cateodata)
Sunt fericit , sunt implinit iar lucrurile curg cum trebuie..
De data asta simt ceva cu toata masura , ceva ce mi-am dorit intotdeauna sa impartasesc cu cineva , iar acum chiar fac asta.
Imi promit mie si celorlalti un an mai bun, mai luminat , mai sincer si mai frumos.
Nu e timp de criza , tristete si alte lucruri de genu.
Anul 2010 o sa fie un an revelatoriu pentru toata lumea.
Nimic mai mult nu am de zis.
Sarbatori fericite tuturor !!!

If you feel it then let's go to a place where you belong
give it strength to carry on

open your heart
set your mind at ease live your life and you'll be free

We're gonna rise.

duminică, 20 decembrie 2009


Iti caut parfumul lasat pe pe fular si pe piele..
mainile miros a tine, a parfumul tau...

Hai inapoi !

sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

Let it go.

Just let it go! All of it. Be yourself :)

luni, 14 decembrie 2009

I don't know anything and what i know doesn't see anyway.
We are drifting through the waste of love..
Think twice, open your eyes.
Sometimes you figure out that you are the only one who can understand you..
just you with you..just sometimes.
The biggest problem it's to deal with the problem.
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The Albatross

Adrift on your inner sea
Your innocence bugs me
Yeah you break my heart

You drift from room to room
Empty as an old shoe
Yeah you break my heart

duminică, 6 decembrie 2009

sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2009

Changes , changes.

Astazi am gasit linia pe care trebuie sa merg.
Mi-am gasit linistea, ma simt bine, sunt fericit, sunt exact asa cum vreau sa fiu.
Astazi am descoperit adevarul..astazi am aflat cine sunt si incotro merg.
Astazi am inceput sa ma descopar cu adevarat.
Astazi sunt mai linistit..mai sigur , mai clar.
Astazi am descoperit ce inseamna libertatea si cu ce ma poate ajuta cu ce o pot ajuta eu pe ea. O pot ajuta traind-o.
Incepand de astazi ma numar printre cei ce stiu.
Astazi ma simt implinit si multumitor fata de cei importanti din jurul meu care imi fac viata de zi cu zi una fericita si sincera.
Le multumesc pentru ca exista si pentru ca exista reciprocitate.
Notele muzicale ma patrund pana in mijlocul inimii si imi vorbesc intr-o limba pentru care nu exista dictionar.
Astazi uit si invat.
Astazi iubesc si cred.
Astazi calc pe drumul spre libertate.
Incepand de astazi sunt mai liber.
Acelasi eu care pune punct dupa fiecare propozitie, doar ca altfel.
Astazi sunt eu, si in sfarsit de maine incolo tot eu voi fi.
Astazi sunt liber, simte-ma.

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009

Aeria gloris.

Yearning, yearning, for what's left of loving.

Blue Chair.

I'm not asking you stay forever
A few numbers on a dial
Long enough to see the sun down
Long enough to slow it down

Take hold of your pain
Let it fly
There's no shame
Stand still
This time
Close the door
For a moment you are mine

Here in my blue chair
It's safe and warm
I'll show you where
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there

Close your eyes you can be back here
Close enough for you to see
That somewhere
You want it
Take it all
I got all you ever need

Here in my blue chair
It's safe and warm
I'll show you where
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there

Here in my blue chair
It's safe and warm
I'll show you where
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there


I guess my thinking too much is what's been fuckin' me up
It's my own worst enemy, but
It will never own me.
I'll own him.

joi, 3 decembrie 2009






miercuri, 2 decembrie 2009

Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride.

Shut the gates and sunset
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it's all about
You're open to the skyline
You won't want to go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone

But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin
Face against the window
You can't watch it fade to grey

And you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay

But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows

Just enjoy the ride.